The development and finalization of the CAIS–2 AS project is aimed at solving challenges that are caused by the Republic of Kazakhstan membership in the Customs Union. One of the main aims of this project is to automate customs clearance and control processes which are administered in a Customs Union.

Another important goal of the project is to automate common customs processes and ensure information exchange between customs authorities of the member countries of the Customs Union and ensure the functionality of member countries’ IIS that help control foreign and mutual trade.

During the implementation of this project the following systems were finalized/implemented:

Customs clearance of goods subsystem. The subsystem automated customs operations related to processing customs control and customs clearance of goods, conducting customs control, including using the Selective risk management control component, and control of temporary warehousing of goods in locations where these goods are stored. The subsystem is comprised of the following components: customs clearance of goods; customs procedures’ control; control of temporary warehousing of goods; intellectual property; customs clearance of goods by submitting temporary, periodic, preliminary or incomplete customs declarations and by declaring disassembled or unassembled goods, including unfinished or incomplete goods.




Project period



JAVA SE 6, Java EE 5, JBoss AS 6