The goals of the UAIS are to automate customs processes in order to ensure effective control of customs procedures; facilitate customs procedures; reduce the number of processed paper documents; supply accurate and detailed information about customs procedures, financial flows of duties and other customs fees; provide a faster and more accurate way of accounting for state revenues; provide accurate and comprehensive statistical information. The project was implemented for a government body – the Customs Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. UAIS automates the following customs control processes:
- Data entry control for electronically submitted customs declarations, as well as centralized data classification tools and Master Data management and administration;
- Control of approved documents;
- Selecting customs declarations, goods and vehicles for physical customs control procedures using the measures of the risk management subsystem (risk factors, risk profiles, risk scenarios analysis);
- Control of goods and vehicles which are moving through the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan according to international and internal audit procedures;
- Customs taxes and duties accounting and payment control, including integration with banking systems;
- The process of verifying the authenticity of licenses and permits that accompany customs declarations by submitting these documents to relevant national authorities and receiving their approval (or rejection) electronically. This process describes electronic services of the fourth maturity level: after submitting an electronic customs declaration the user does not need to personally contact other institutions to verify the authenticity of submitted documents, receive permits and licenses, etc. – all of this is done electronically;
- Presenting reports and statistical data;
- Verifying accounting data presented by customs‘ clients. The system also provides information for administrative and criminal investigations.
UAIS is used by more than 1000 users of the system in more than 50 geographically dispersed departments and agencies.
UAIS has been developed in accordance with SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) principles. The system consists of 11 subsystems. Internal and external interfaces have been implemented using an integration platform, data exchange is carried out through Web Services. XML, UN/EDIFACT, ANSI X12 and PDF/A standards have been used for data exchange, processing and storage.
UAIS is linked to and exchanges data with:
- Banking information systems;
- Permits and Licenses Information System of the Agency on Standardization, Metrology and Certification and Trade Inspection of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- Agriculture Product Control Information System of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- Permits and Licenses Information System of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan.
UAIS has been developed using the following component technologies: Java SE 6, Java EE 5, JBoss AS 6, JBoss Seam, JavaServer Faces, Spring, Oracle 11g, jBPM, jQuery, SAP ERP, AJAX.
The UAIS user interface has been designed in accordance with EN ISO 13407:1999 and EN ISO 9241–210:2010 standards (the latter is the base of the LST EN ISO 9241–210:2011 standard).