Everyone has heard the saying – what is not measured, cannot be controlled or improved. That is why cost accounting in healthcare is becoming increasingly important, although it can often prove to be too complicated. Hospitals focus on developing hospital specific information systems for medical data, while the Health Economics Information Systems are seamingly going into a second plan, especially as there are a number of challenges in the health economics methodology, such as the definition of treatment cost accounting methodology. A solution developed by InnoForce experts based on SAP Business Objects and SAP Prodfitability and Cost Management products enables patient-level cost accounting at the patient level.

InnoForce has just implemented a project that introduced a detailed patient-level cost accounting information system for all Lithuanian healthcare institutions. The system enables you to get reliable patient treatment cost data for calculating diagnosis-related group price ratios according to the Australian AR-DRG Classification System.

The system allows you to calculate the cost of treatment for each patient and the average cost estimate for diagnosis-related groups, analyze them in health care facilities / groups of institutions, or in all healthcare institutions where detailed patient-level cost accounting is performed. It also allows comparisons to be made with similar healthcare facilities in different sections.